P.S.: If anyone has used Scrivener (or WriteMonkey) and loves it, please comment! While I didn't like the program for me, it looked really neat to work with. Some authors swear by it, but I'm happy with my purchase of WriteWay, so I won't be checking it out. It is, however, free, which might explain the no-frills website. The third program I heard of but didn't try was WriteMonkey, but the website was done in simple text, with no pics of the program.
Bonus? WriteWay is working on a version for Mac users. No confusion, no muss, and no eating of my document! It even keeps track of my word count in an obvious, top-of-page place. When I'm ready to write, I click on the chapter scene I'm ready to write/edit and get straight to work. It's got a Synopsis page for when I'm ready, opens my Excel spreadsheet that I use for series work (as a separate doc), and has spots below where I'm writing for chapter and scene plot points and notes. I've got Angel in My Arms loaded, chapters and scenes set, research links added, all within two days. I needed to hit the Help button once in the five hours I worked with it over the weekend (and I rarely write on weekends). What else was out there? That's when I saw WriteWay. So I decided that while I liked the concept, Scrivener was not for me. Worse, the program ate eight pages of The Hob, turning it into the tutorial's document! The good news is, the original Word document still exists, so I didn't lose my work from a few years ago, but still. While the look of Scrivener, with its Corkboard, was really nice, I found the binders to be confusing.

I'm far more familiar and comfortable with programs written with the Microsoft Suite in mind. Scrivener was originally written for the Mac, and maybe that was my problem.

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Unfortunately, I found the tutorial to be utterly confusing after an hour of working with it. This account has been suspended.writeitnow novel writing software serial number key.
It starts by having you open a tutorial on how to work with it. Then I opened the program, and apparently I'm stupid, because I could not figure it out after two hours. She says it's really helped her keep track of her notes, her research, and keeps everything she needs in one place. My friend, PJ Schnyder, is working with it and loves it.